Hi Lions!
We are so proud of the many Lions who have been working hard on the Learning Opportunities provided for 6th graders! We have been checking your progress regularly and appreciate all of your efforts!
Starting this week, Learning Opportunities are mandatory (required) in order to get credit for classes. So keep up the good work! Mr Curley, following guidelines from the Department of Education, will release more details as they become available. The work on sites like Common Lit and Ixl self-correct so you will be able to see how you're doing. If you submit an assignment on Google Classroom, we are reading it, and making comments. Please scroll down if you don't see the comments right away.
Here is the Link for this week's work. You can also access from the school website.
Monday 4-6
Watch the BrainPOP video “Imagination”and complete the Google Form on your ELA teacher’s Google Classroom.
BrainPOP Info:
Username: atcummings
Password: teach
Please . . . Go to your Science Google Classroom and join the
CK-12 Class if you have not yet done so.
A Google Document will be assigned on Google Classroom where you should be answering the review
questions for the CK-12 activities throughout the week. (This is a new system for this week.)
CK-12: Competition activities:
The Coordinate Plane
Soc Studies
Temple Exploration: Using this document please learn more about Ancient Egyptian Temples. An editable doc has been uploaded on each teacher’s Google Classroom if you would prefer to do this work on a computer, but you may also print it out and bring it in when we come back to school.